Friday, February 20, 2009

Warren Buffett's Portfolio

A lot of critics of Warren Buffett have been complaining that he has been contradictory as of late with his portfolio.  He wrote on op-ed in the New York Times several months ago saying buy American stocks now.  When looking into his recently filing with the SEC, we see that he has in fact trimmed stakes of some major American companies such as Procter & Gamble and Johnson & Johnson.  People are looking at this from the wrong perspective.  The fact that he is selling his stakes in P&G and JNJ actually do signal that he is bullish on US equities.  Most people buy stocks such as P&G and JNJ as defensive stocks because they generally hold up well during a recession.  Buffett is adding shares to some of his oil holdings and financial companies signaling that he is putting his money to work in companies that do well in a growing economy.  Buffett's critics are looking at his recent moves from the wrong point of view and in reality Buffet is sticking to the strategy of buy American.

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